Saturday, October 30, 2010

What kind of space do we offer?

Making space literally means what it implies. We have to make room for others in our lives both physically and attitudinally. Just as we make room for a spouse, our children or a sibling to enter our lives, so too do we need to make space for others in our places of worship, and we need to be present to them in that space.

Our "presence" refers to "being" with one another; being truly attentive to them. There is great comfort in sharing our own stories and listening to the stories of others. Making space in our busy lives to "be" with others is what true presence is all about.

Presence comes from an inner attitude that recognizes the depth of the connection between humans, and the connection between humans and God. This attitude must be nurtured constantly in prayer and practice. With this inner attitude of presence, true hospitality becomes a way of life, in every moment of every day. It exemplifies the meaning of the word Stewardship.

In the words of Henry Nouwen, we can provide our guests with “a friendly space, where they may feel free to come and go, to be close and distant, to eat and to fast”.

Are we good stewards of our space?